Directory of Chemicals located in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other areas in the United Arab Emirates.
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Purchasing agents, re-export to difficult areas, cover all areas of activity - oilfield,...
Trading in chemical and chemical products.
Manufacturing raw material for drilling, paints, PVC pipes, constructions, decoration, grinding...
Marketing of Shell petroleum products & lubricants.
Corporate representative office, oil & gas production & trading.
Regional representative office, oil and gas production.
Regional representative office.
Regional representative office, gas and power operations.
Marketers of petroleum, lubricants & chemicals.
Trading of petroleum products, lubricants & chemicals
Supplier of drilling mud bentonite, barites, etc.
Drilling muds, oilfield speciality, water treatment, maintenance & industrial chemicals,...
Supplier of Oil field chemicals, Stimulation, Cementing and Production.
Supply of industrial oilfield chemicals.
Design, Manufacturing & Distribution of civil building materials & chemicals: concrete...
Suppliers of Chemicals and Plastic Raw Materials.
Supplier of raw materials to paint, fireglass, plastic, Polyurethane, Fibre glass and...
importers and Suppliers of Industrial Chemicals, Spare Parts, Building Materials and Watches.
Ductile Iron, Cast Iron, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, Alloy Steel, Pipes, Valves, Fittings &...