Directory of Chemicals located in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other areas in the United Arab Emirates.
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Trading division of Toledo Group which addresses the industrial, oil & gas fields such as HV &...
Mining, Processing and Trading of Industrial Mineral for Oil Well Drilling. Supplier of Drilling...
Supply of Oilfield Chemicals.
Oil & chemical spill response materials, chemical cleaning, corrosion control & ship supplies.
Chemicals trading & manufacturing.
Manufacturer: exporter of greases, lubricants, brake fluid, distilled water, radiator coolant...
Manufacturer & Exporter of : Lubricant Oils, Greases, Brake Fluid, Coolents, Battery Acid,...
Lubricating oil, Greases
Oil & chemical absorbent, degreasers, industrial chemicals, water treatment & cleaning...
Oilfield Chemicals.
Manufacturers of all types of cleaning & sanitising products for industrial, hospital & domestic...
Chemicals, oilfield industrial suppliers, marine repair services & corrosion control products.
Equipment, plants, turnkey systems, chemicals treatment programs, technical services, dosing...
Chlorination equipment & system dosing pumps.
Manufacturer & suppliers of pressure and temperature gauges & transmitters. Chemicals & remote...
Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pumps Suited for Chemicals, Oils, Petrochemical, Solvents, Acids,...
C/o Al Baharie & Safar Oilfield Services Electric & pneumatic chemical injection pumps & skids.
Trading in Hardware Tools, Technical Products, Electric & Pneumatic Tools & Chemicals.
Detergents and disinfection manufacturing in various pack size for industrial and commercial...